Wednesday, July 15, 2009

JUN: iProd 95.4 + CapU 68.0

Release Schedule (available at 9:15 a.m.)

iProd down + CapU down!

This week has many fun & exciting econ releases, JUN Retail Sales being the biggest.

Despite PPI (flat), despite CPI (flat), despite EIA CO reserves (flat to increasing), despite housing starts & permits (OMG, they need to drop, but the market would see that as weakness) the second biggest econ event is JUN Industrial Production & Utilization.

I can't find non-Seasonally Adjusted numbers, so we'll just have to deal with what we have.

Given retail sales & consumer sentiment & inventory drops & no real good reason for everyone to order stuff I suspect production & utilization to both be down.

Prescient, eh?

Fly in the ointment: MAY DGO New Orders were up.
This may mean an increase in JUN iProd&CapU.
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