Link to original Census Data.
It looks terrible all the way down the full table across every sub-sector.
If this BS keeps up I don't understand how the government & talking heads can keep yammering about any H2 09 or 2010 recovery, and I don't see any reason that consumer cash should increase going into H2.
If manufacturing isn't receiving cash for orders then both raw materials commodity suppliers and intermediate/finished goods retailers aren't going to be receiving cash.
The fantastic Treasury auction bid-to-cover ratios indicate that there's still plenty of cash available (in fact, I'd speculate that their cash levels are increasing), but I think the collective foreign & domestic "They" are all still hoarding it.
Consumers don't seem to have cash to be interesting the retailers to order stuff.
I would have thought that with spring & summer construction that there'd be more cash floating about.
Not so.